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Continuous monitored healthcare

Eternity AI


Heart Disease causes 1 in 4 deaths in the USA.
Cancer will affect 1 in 3 people in 2030 according to the WHO.
Diabetes or Prediabetes affects 52% of individuals in the USA (and half the globe today). Autoimmune Disease affects 1 in 4 people.
Obesity will affect 1.2 billion adults and overweight will number 2.16 billion by 2030. Alzheimer’s is now the 6th leading cause of death in the USA.

All these chronic diseases are caused by “insulin resistance” primarily from a diet high in sugar, grains and vegetable oils. This “Global Pandemic” is the result of two misguided ideas. First, the Diet-Heart Hypothesis, formulated by Ancel Keys in 1977 and the US Dietary Guidelines that followed in 1980. It was because of these that we were told to avoid foods like meat, eggs, dairy and coconut oil as the theory was that saturated fats raised LDL-cholesterol that lodges in our arteries causing heart disease. (Most Heart Disease is caused by Sugar not cholesterol).

Cardio-Metabolic Disease that includes Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Obesity, Diabetes, Autoimmune disease – in fact Aging itself and most of the disease of civilization are due to this “insulin resistance” and is the Global Epidemic of the 21st Century that I believe is responsible for 80% of all deaths in humans.

Most doctors today have no idea how to halt and reverse these chronic diseases. In fact, as I wrote in the Metabolic Miracle you have a greater than 50% chance of being made worse when you visit a doctor today. (Doctors are the third leading cause of death as reported in JAMA on two separate occasions).

What is needed today is a “whole-person” (INTEGRAL) approach focused on the root-cause of disease not just treating symptoms. This is what certified Eternity Physicians do!

Diabetes and Prediabetes have long been regarded as a progressive condition capable of being managed but not cured. There is now solid proof that most type II diabetes can be cured in as little as two months.

I believe we are at a “tipping point,” and are moving away from the Reactive Disease Medicine practiced today to a true Proactive Health Model and together with emerging technologically like smart phones and AI we will empower individuals and democratize health care around the world.

By reversing “Insulin Resistance” and Cardio-metabolic disease with this “whole-person” approach you not only live longer but increase your health span.


20/20 Keto Coach training is a creative, consumer – focused health initiative, founded by Eternity Medicine and ingFit, who recognize that the current health care model is broken and needs to be fixed.

An orthodoxy is a long-held core belief that is no longer true or applicable in the current landscape – this stifles new approaches and ultimately innovation.


1. Cholesterol (especially LDL-C) is dangerous 2. Saturated Fats clogs your arteries
3. Diabetes can be managed but not cured
4. Exercise for weight loss

5. Calories In = Calories Out
6. A calorie is a calorie
7. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
8. Best to eat several small meals throughout the day 9. Eating fat makes you fat
10. You need healthy carbs for energy

Rather than using bad science and vested interests over just the past forty years we base our 20/20 Keto- Coach training on the science of evolutionary biology and use what works from our experience with clients based on millions of years of evolution and modern day science. We use Keto-diet for individuals with more severe chronic conditions and obesity and a Paleo-diet for maintenance.

The 20/20 Keto Coach Training changes all this by: -

  1. 1) Preventing, reversing and curing chronic disease not just managing it.

  2. 2) Provides Proactive Health not the reactive medicine model practiced today.

  3. 3) Uses a ‘whole-person’ integrative approach.

  4. 4) Implements the exponential growth of technology (digital health/AI).

  5. 5) Builds a collaborative network of like-minded health conscious individuals.

  6. 6) Uses mostly natural non-toxic products whenever possible.

  7. 7) Democratizes healthcare and empowers clients globally.

  8. 8) Reduces the cost of healthcare for individuals, corporations and government.


All disease actually comes from half-a dozen or so root causes (See Diagram). Genes load the gun (15%) but your lifestyle “pulls the trigger” – 85% of your health is due to epigenetics determined by your lifestyle.

Most of the leading integrative (functional) physicians have all used an INTEGRAL approach in their own way to dive deep and find the root cause of their client’s disease.
This INTEGRAL Methodology is used by our Certified Physicians and Coaches.


With the aging of societies around the world and the fact that cardio-metabolic disease (insulin resistance) is now responsible for 80% of all chronic disease Continuous Health Monitoring (CHM) is important as the sooner they are detected, the quicker they can be reversed and thus the better the quality of life (health span) of the individual. This CHM is part of Proactive Medicine delivered by

As “insulin resistance” is the primary cause of most chronic disease Eternity uses CHM to reverse and cure this pandemic often this can be accomplished in as little as two months with a Keto diet and Intermittent Fasting. A personalized program is formulated for each client and a free-app is given to all clients to monitor their health with support from our health professionals.


Although thousands of meals are readily available most of us usually consume just 30-40 different meals regularly.

The Goal of the Keto-coach is to personalize an eating program for each client that takes into account their preferences and provide a diet that is nutritious, satisfying, convenient and varied.

A Well Formulated Keto Diet (WFKD) consists of 70% healthy fats, 20% protein and 10% carbs ie. it is a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. The Paleo Diet which we like for maintenance is a moderate fat (1/3), moderate protein (1/3), and moderate carb (1/3) diet.

The single most important item to count on your program is the number of carbs you consume each day. To get into nutritional Ketosis you need to consume less than 50gm/day. Intermittent fasting will also help return ‘insulin sensitivity’ to you rather quickly which is key in reversing diabesity. We list the carb content of thousands of foods on your APP.


Adequate supplementation is part of the INTEGRAL approach. Current agri/food practices have decreased the vital nutrients of our food. Most people are deficient in Vit D3, Magnesium, Omega-3 FA, certain trace minerals etc.

We are able to measure deficiencies of most of these. We divide our supplementation into two. Core Nutrients are what most of us need each day eg. A multivitamin, Vit D3, Magnesium, Omega-3 FA etc. and Targeted Nutrients – here we target different organs that are stressed for example: Pancreas – Berberine, Liver – Alpha Lipoic Acid, Adrenal – Ashwaganda, Thyroid – Iodine, Pineal – Melatonin.

We source only the highest quality products and try and provide great savings.

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